
 Pumps          泵

End suction centrifugal pumps, both horizontal and vertical, are commonly used in electrocoat systems. The choice of pumps should be determined by economics, design constraints, or designer preference.


Vertical turbine pumps (equivalent to Process Systems Thrust Head) have proven cost effective due to the ease of maintenance and long service life.


Vertical, chair-mount pumps in weirs are equipped with long shafts to prevent foaming which can occur with changing weir levels. The suction bell extension  should be no closer than  1.5 pipe diameters of the weir bottom to minimize vortexing and permit greater pump-down of the weir during tank cleaning.  All pumps should be protected to prevent large debris from damaging impellers and pump housings. Vertical pumps should be equipped with a removable stainless steel screen (.25 inch dia.) installed ahead of the pump. A non-conductive coating should be applied to the screen to prevent paint from coating the screen. (Electrocoating the screens in the electrocoat tank and then baking them has worked well.) The screens should be checked for plugging daily and cleaned once per month.

安装在溢流槽中的立式泵要求长轴,可防止在改变溢流液位时产生泡沫,长轴也要有较粗的轴径,以延长使用寿命,泵吸口要伸到距溢流槽底不少于1.5倍管径处,以尽量减小涡流及在清理溢流槽时能够较大限度的抽空溢流槽。所有泵都应有防止大的染质损坏叶轮及泵谷的保护措施。立式泵要配有安在泵头(吸口)的双层可拆卸不锈钢网 (0.25英尺的直径),要将钢网涂以绝缘涂层以防止沉积上电泳漆(在电泳槽中泳好的钢丝网,烘干后即可),对保护网应每天要进行堵漏检查并每月清洗一次。

Horizontal pumps should be equipped with reliable valves to isolate the pump from the system. The pumps should also be installed so that they have a low point drain and a DI water connection to permit pump flushing. The installation of spare pumps piped into the system is not recommended. They have been found to be a source of dirt and are difficult to keep clean.  However, a spare pump housing should be available on site for replacement during maintenance.  If, spare pumps are piped into the system they should be isolated from the paint and flushed with DI water when not in use.





Pump housings should be constructed of gray cast iron: nodular cast iron should not be used. Impellers and shafts should be made of 316 stainless steel to minimize wear.  (See Figure 8 for typical circulation system layouts).
