

The paint circulation system performs three important functions:


It keeps the paint uniformly mixed and prevents settling of the pigment in the tank or on horizontal vehicle surfaces.


It provides filtration to remove particulate dirt.


It provides paint cooling by circulation through the use of heat exchangers to remove heat generated by the electrical work of coating or that was  created through the mechanical work of pumping.


The system should have 4-to-6 paint turnovers per hour through the filters.  All eductor headers should be installed at a depth that will prevent a breaking of the surface which could cause air entrapment (typically 12" below the surface at 20 psi eductor pressure).  Because of the importance of maintaining circulation to prevent settling of pigment, system design should include an auxiliary electrical generator capable of running two paint circulating pumps, one in the weir and one in the front-end system; it should also be able to supply the DI pump. These minimal precautions could prevent paint spoilage or damage to ultrafilters during prolonged power outages.

系统要由4-6次/小时的通过过滤器的循环次数。 因为防止颜料沉淀所进行的的维持槽液循环很重要,因此系统设计必须考虑一备用的可保证两台槽液循环泵运行的发电机,既保证在溢流槽的一台及前端系统的一台泵运行,还要能为去离子水泵供电,这些最低限度的预防措施能防止在长时间停电期间漆液变质或损坏过滤元件。