
电泳槽用什么材料制作中英对照版Materials of Construction          建槽材料
Dip Tanks            浸槽
The dip tank should be constructed of 3/8 inch (9.5 cm.) mild steel with double welded seams. All welds should be ground smooth and be free from pits.

浸槽应由3/8 英寸(9.5cm)厚的低碳钢板用双面焊接构成,所有焊缝要平滑无砂眼,槽子必须喷砂处理至露出底金属,在涂衬里之前应无锈。

Tank Enclosure             槽的间壁室

The tank enclosure should be continuous from the entrance to the rinse enclosure. The enclosure should be constructed of aluminized or stainless steel, since small amounts of organic acid vapor will be present over the paint bath. Enclosures not made of stainless steel or aluminized steel must be coated with an epoxy coating.  Plastic panels are  available for use in enclosing the open areas between the pre-treatment and electrocoat systems.


Tank Lining             槽衬里

The purpose of a tank lining is to provide electrical insulation with high dielectric strength.  A silica-filled, glass-reinforced, modified epoxy-resin-based lining is recommended for cathodic electrocoat tanks. The tank must be sand blasted to lining manufacturers specification, preferably to white metal, and should be free of rust prior to the installation of the tank lining. Materials equivalent to Coroline 505 made by Ceilcote Company are recommended. After it is cured, the lining should be spark tested at 15,000-20,000 volts to assure complete electrical insulation.  All preparation should be in compliance with the lining manufacturers specifications.

槽衬里的目的是用高能量的绝缘体进行绝缘。对阴极电泳槽,泵池及所有的暴露金属表面建议涂一种加硅石的玻璃纤维加强的改性环氧树脂衬里,为了获得良好的附着力,必须对钢板表面喷砂处理,露出底金属,材料建议使用Ceilcote Company 生产的Corotine505 的产品。在衬里固化后,要在1.5-2 万电压下进行火花试验,确保完全的绝缘性。所有操作都必须依从于衬里制造厂商的说明书。