

 Dimensions: Clearance            尺吋:间隙

Tank design should assure that a minimum of 12 inches (30 cm.) of paint is available above the vehicle roof to provide and enhance paint movement over the vehicle, minimize horizontal settling, and increase the uniformity of film build on the unit (see Figure 6). This overhead clearance will also provide space for the addition of overhead (roof) anodes.



Tanks should be designed to accommodate the largest vehicle projected for the system and provide clearance of 12-15 inches between the body and the surface of the anolyte membrane. A clear opening of 6 inches (15 cm.) should be provided for each vehicle door to permit the entry and exit of paint and to enhance Throwpower to interior surfaces. Tank clearance should always be measured from the door-open position. Clearance between the carrier and tank bottom should be 18 inches (45 cm.).
