
电泳槽液循环简介中英对照版 The sections of "Design Considerations" on Paint Circulation are considered definitive in their specific information and reasons for recommendations. However, the following operational comments should prove helpful. 在“设计依据” 一节中,就槽液循环有关具体数据及原因方面已提出明确建议。 然而,以下的操作说明对操作是有帮助的。 Pump operation, regardless of type, should be monitored by pressure sensors downstream from the pump. Low pressure should sound an alarm which requires positive response. To avoid the problem of pump overheating, pumps should not be dead-headed. 泵的运行( 与泵的类型无关)要靠装在泵出口的压力传感器监控,压力降低时有声音报警,以进行必要的调整。在系统运行期间,避免泵的过热问题,泵不应固定不变。 Filters are usually changed when a specific pressure differential reading occurs. This practice can delay the filter change until the filters reach their maximum filtering capacity and reduce unnecessary changes. Many plants have adopted a change schedule determined by experience on a particular line. However, pressure differential should continue to be taken daily as a precaution against a catastrophic event, and pressure gauges should be regularly replaced (again according to a schedule determined by line experience) to assure reasonable accuracy. 当压差达到一定读数时,一般要更换过滤介质。这样过滤介质的更换可以延迟到过滤器达到其最大的过滤容量时再进行,以减少不必要的更换。许多厂家 已采用了依据特定涂装线的经验制定的更换时间表,然而,压差读数要连续地每天读取,以预防大的事故发生。压力表要定时更换(这也是依据涂装线经验制定的时间表),以确保读数准确无误。 All filter changes should be recorded in a log which includes the date, time, and filter size. 所有过滤器的更换都要在值班记录上做记录,包括日期,时间,及滤网规格。 Piping should be color-coded and labeled with direction arrows to indicate material in the pipe and direction of flow. 管路要涂颜色标记及带指示箭头的标牌,以指示管路内的材料及流动方向。 Critical valves (for drains, D.I. water. etc.) should be locked or valve handles removed to avoid accidental opening. Far too much paint has been wasted because of the accidental opening of valves. This directive is of primary importance! 一些关键的阀门(排放阀,去离子水等)要锁上或取下阀门手柄,以防意外打开,因阀门意外打开时,必将浪费大量涂料,这一点极其重要。 Additions to the tank should be volume-metered to avoid tank overflow. Meters should be checked and calibrated periodically. Physical inventory measurements should be taken at least weekly and compared with metered usage. This practice will provide a check-and-balance system and will help to verify meter operation. These checks are critical, especially when just-in-time and consignment inventory practices are operative. 向槽中添加物料要有容积计量,以防止槽液溢出。控制仪表要定期进行检查和校正,至少每周进行实际用料计量并与仪表计量值做比较。这样可严格控制加料及库存量,并同时可校验仪表的精度,这些检查很关键,特别是在要非常准确地控制库存量的情况下。