

An adjustable weir plate at the exit end of the tank is recommended to maintain tank level and to permit surface movement of the paint. The surface flow of the paint carries foam and dirt away from the entrance to the weir. Free fall of paint into the weir should be limited to less than 6 inches (15 cm.) to prevent foaming. Sloped-bottom weir boxes with eductor agitation are recommended. Weir box configuration is dependent upon the type of pumps used for circulation (see Figure 4).


Freeboard and Overflow


To prevent the paint tank from overflowing in the event of material addition errors, the tank should be designed with approximately 9 inches (23 cm.) freeboard above the normal operating level. This margin should be sufficient to permit pumping of the first recirculated rinse tank back into the tank for easy cleaning of the rinse tank. An overflow pipe of at least 3 inches diameter should be installed near the top of the tank to drain into the dump tank to permit material recovery. This pipe should be located at least 9 inches above the normal operating level of the main tank.  If the dump tank is installed below the main tank be certain that the building structure can support the additional weight of a full dump tank should it be filled completely. High level alarms should be installed to alert system operators and plant security should problems occur.
