

Ultrafiltration is a process whereby water is extracted from the electrocoat paint. Small amounts of dissolved impurities are also extracted by the ultrafiltration process. The material produced by the ultrafilter is referred to as ultrafiltrate or permeate.


Ultrafiltration is a membrane process in which paint is caused to flow across the face of a special polymeric material. Pores in the membrane surface permit water in the paint to move through the membrane, leaving behind the other components of the paint.


The extracted water can be used to rinse paint-coated objects, and the resulting "carry out paint" is returned to the paint bath. This technique, called "closed loop rinsing," aids significantly in making the electrocoat process economically feasible.


Periodically, water-soluble contamination in the paint must be removed to maintain proper deposition characteristics and film properties. Ultrafiltration makes possible the purging of these impurities from the paint by sending the ultrafiltrate to drain. Water lost from the paint in this process is replaced with low-conductivity D.I. water.


Periodically, some of these pores are blinded with components of the paint or contaminants, reducing the efficiency of water extraction. When this condition occurs, the membrane must be cleaned. Ultrafilter manufacturers specify particular cleaning procedures for their units. Cleaning is recommended when the output decreases to approximately 70% of the designed capacity.


All ultrafilter cleaning procedures should follow these simplified steps:


Flush paint from the ultrafilter with fresh D.I. water, returning it to the paint bath.


Circulate a special cleaning solution (a mixture of surfactant, solvent, and organic (acid) through the membranes for a specified time at a specified temperature. This chemical cleaning solution is specified by the manufacturer of the ultrafiltration membrane.


Flush cleaning solution from the ultrafilter with D.I. water and return paint to the unit.


Cleaning solutions are hazardous and corrosive. Extreme caution must be employed when handling these materials, and they should be properly disposed of after use. All sections of the ultrafiltrate system which have been in contact with the cleaning solution should be constructed of plastic or stainless steel to prevent attack by the cleaning chemicals. Mild steel in this system will dissolve and contaminate the membranes with iron, resulting in reduced efficiency even after cleaning and therefore should not be used.

清洗液有害且有腐蚀性,操作这些材料时要特别小心,应当采用高级别的防护。清洗液使用后要妥善处理。能与清洗液接触的所有部份都要用 塑料或不锈钢制成,以防止清洗用化学品侵蚀。普通钢在系统中会溶解,铁离子会污染超滤膜,导致在清洗后超滤效果也不好,甚至要更换超滤元件。

Ultrafilter systems should have temperature sensors which can shut down the system at a prescribed high-temperature limit. Ultrafilter membrane sytems are damaged by excessive heat.


Ultrafilter membranes (i.e., tubes, cartridges, or plates) leaking paint should be isolated and replaced to prevent contamination of the permeate.  Permeate should be clear for best rinsing efficiency.


Clear permeate is required if horizontal pumps are used, since pigments from the paint will damage double mechanical seals.
